Midwest Record Recap review of "The Double-Cross" February 2006 TEMPEST/Double Cross: Leader Lief Sorbye has come a long way from his folkie days as he now leads a hard charging Celtic/world music rock crew that know how to kick out the jams in high, hard style. When you've got no restraints, you can do what you want, and on this outing they draw their inspiration from how the powers that be screwed Captain Kidd turning him into an outlaw. Not the kind of stuff that gets you an opening slot for Jessica Simpson, but it is the kind of stuff that keeps you working, flying under the radar and developing a large, loving cult that looks forward to your next release because you've got the chops to deliver the goods. Sorbye was never one to be easily pigeon holed, and he isn't going to start now, but he is going to make sure you have a grand time on the high seas. 9083 (Magna Carta) Volume 29/Number 8 February 28, 2006 No ads accepted Subs-$60/yr MIDWEST RECORD RECAP